Southern Elegance Dance Studio
Military discount (active duty & retired) for all new students
Let them praise His name with dancing (Ps 149:3)
Group lessons:
Group lessons are offered througout the week. Check the calendar for the schedule.
Friday Night Parties:
Every Friday night we host a party that includes a group lesson from 6:30-7:00 and dancing from 7:00-9:00. Dress is classy casual - please, no shorts. We play the finest selection of contemporary dance music in Huntsville, carefully chosen to enhance your experience.
Semi-Annually, we host a formal ShowCase which provides students, instructors and competitors a chance to display choreographed numbers in costume.
MARS Ballroom Dance Club:
The MARS Ballroom Dance Club was established for the employees of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama. The Club offers a wonderful opportunity for the MSFC community to learn and experience social ballroom dancing. It conducts monthly dances and quarterly dinner dances at Southern Elegance Dance Studio.
Monthly Out-Of-Town Visiting Coach:
Jari Muller comes to Southern Elegance from Atlanta for 1-2 days each month to offer coaching in both International Standard and American Smooth. Alyssa Kark also comes to Southern Elegance from Nashville to offer coaching in virtually any style.
Speciality Workshops
Monthly we offer specialized workshops on Saturdays such as an Argentine Tango workshop. The purpose is to foster better technique and understanding. Check the calendar